Planning information in NorwichNorwich City Council (United Kingdom)
Our planning work centred on enabling the construction of 22km of dual carriageway to alleviate multiple traffic issues within and around Norwich. Collaborating closely with Norfolk County Council engineers, we ensured a development consent order compliant application and effective funding bid. Our work ...
Land Management captures and makes available information about land ownership and access that is essential for smooth project development. The solution records and provides instant access to these details, plus information on surveys and stakeholder communications. ...
Shopping strategy Planning matters for the City of NorwichNorwich City Council (United Kingdom)
Departmental Reorganization in a local Authority: the Setting Up of the Norwich City Planning Departmentdoi:10.1111/j.1467-9299.1974.tb00168.xM.B. KINCHMr.Kinch is Lecturer in Public Administration at Norwich City College.John Wiley & Sons, LtdPublic Administration...
The paper was initiated as part of the project Pre-Columbian Tropical Urban Life: Placing the Past in Designs for Sustainable Urban Futures (TruLife), funded by an Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC; UK) grant to Benjamin Vis (PI) and Christian Isendahl (CoI) (AH/N006240/1), the...
Source: Badajoz City-council. FFiigguurree 33.. LLooccaattiioonn ooff tthhee ssttuuddyy aarreeaa.. SSoouurrccee:: BBaaddaajjoozz CCiittyy--ccoouunncciill.. Sustainability 2018, 10, 1450 5 of 18 At the time of this research, Badajoz has urban developable land classification, but is,...