传统的IT项目中,使用“人天”来评估工作量,容易让团队产生错觉,认为增加人力就能加速软件开发。在Agile敏捷项目中,避免在快速需求评估时使用“人天”,以减少这种误解。二、Story Point故事点 智能边缘计算创新了物联网,让每个边缘设备具备了数据处理能力。计划扑克采用Story Point概念,扑克上的数字代表...
Poker planning is an agile estimating and planning exercise that uses Planning Poker cards for consensus-based estimating in Scrum.
Step 1. Initiate a New Game Start new gamewith the option to add your issues right off the bat. Step 2: Invite Your Agile Team Send your new game URL to your people and let the game begin. Step 3: Vote! Enjoy every aspect of our online scrum planning poker – and have fun while ...
While it sounds like a popular card game, planning poker is actually an Agile estimation method. Agile teams use planning poker to estimate the amount of effort it takes to complete a user story. Learn more about the planning poker process and how this technique can help your Agile team crea...
Planning poker in Agile is usually played by several estimators across all departments in product development — from theScrum masterto product managers, developers, QA testers, and UX designers. How to play planning poker The product manager begins the process by describing theuser storyto the est...
Agile敏捷开发Planning Poker简介 一、为什么不用“人天”? 传统的IT项目,尤其是软件开发项目,往往使用“人天”来作为工作量评估的量词、甚至是代表一种评估方式。在软件项目开发经典著作《人月神话》中,明确的指出了按“人月”或“人天”来评估需求工作量的巨大弊端,主因之一就是在于这个词让人产生了“可以使用更多...
Discover the best free Planning Poker Online tool for agile and scrum teams. Custom decks, and easy to use for free
对于需求不稳定的“敏态”软件项目的开发,Agile敏捷开发已经成为事实上的标准做法。对于快速评估需求的工作量,有不少有效的方法。本文就其中最常用、最简单有效的Planning Poker计划扑克方法进行简介。 【注】本…
PlanITpoker is a cool on-line planning poker app that helps Agile project teams estimate projects easily. With a one click signup and always free, Try it today!
Easily run planning poker sessions using Miro's free Estimations app. Get everyone on the same page quickly and improve team collaboration.