Guide to Planning Care: Ineffective airway clearanceBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksM. JacobsJulie Sanford
Ineffectiveairway clearancerelated to mechanical obstruction of the airwaysecretionsand increased production ofsecretions. Anxietyrelated to the disease experienced by the child. Nursing Care Planning and Goals The majornursing care planninggoals for a child with acute nasopharyngitis are: The patient will ...
Actions, Rationales, and Documentation for Selected Nursing Diagnoses Activity Intolerance Airway Clearance, Ineffective Anxiety Aspiration, Risk for Breathing Pattern, Ineffective Cardiac Output, Decreased Constipation Coping, Ineffective Individual Diarrhea Deficient Fluid Volume Fluid Volume, Excess Gas Exchange...
Ineffective airway clearanceBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksJ. SanfordM. Jacobs