Figure 6 Mission networks for lunar sampling task. 该网络中, p1到p16为状态单元, τ1到τ19为变迁单元, 各个状态单元和变迁单元的含义分别如表1和2所示. 将采样中间点p1、放样上方点p4、放样精调起始点p10、放样后抬升点p13、观测精调起始点p14和观测后抬升点p16定义月面采样机械臂操作的节点状态单元, 节点...
A characterisation of the retrofit process, its main stages, and stakeholders is presented below to anchor the literature on data and modelling in the retrofit process. The LETI Climate Emergency Retrofit Guide framework [1] is a holistic framework that breaks the retrofit process down into five ...
The green transformation processes to achieve resiliency within urban areas are inevitable and will have to be conducted due to the rising number of the dwellers, steadily changing climate, and socio-economic conditions all over the world. The main solutions include mainly the system of green ...
Urban forests and public green spaces are landscape features that provide a wide range of urban ecosystem services, such as climate regulation, heat island reduction [30] and the provision of leisure facilities to the local community [31]. Moreover, their protection is closely related to the ...