Procedural guidance - planning appeals and called-in planning applications (PINS 01/2009)
Procedural guide. Planning appeals - England
Legal Viewpoint: Court clarifies procedural fairness obligations following consent order examinations Legal Viewpoint: Why context is important when members depart from officer advice Legal Viewpoint: When can enforcement against a change of use require removal of operational development?
(This is already the case in relation to applications to challenge inspectors’ decision letters in relation to enforcement notice appeals under section 289 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, where indeed there is no subsequent right to apply to the Court of Appeal for permission to proc...
The text is essentially procedural in nature, since it focuses on the making of planning applications and the use of appeal procedures. It also explains how to deal with enforcement problems where a breach of planning control takes place. In this fourth edition, the opportunity has been taken ...
These three appeals are not concerned with the retrospective or prospective effect of CIPAA but rather the procedural aspects relating to the conduct of an adjudication by reference to right of parties to raise a right of set-off, introduce a counterclaim and/or any other issue ...