(redirected fromAfter Planned Parenthood v. Casey) Thesaurus Medical Legal Encyclopedia a·bor·tion (ə-bôr′shən) n. 1. a.Induced termination of a pregnancy with destruction of the embryo or fetus. b.Any of various procedures that result in the termination of a pregnancy. Also calle...
PlannedParenthoodvCasey 系统标签: caseyparenthoodplannedheartbeatabortionistabortion TESTIMONYREGARDINGH.B.2324,THEHEARTBEATBILL intheKansasHouse,Mar.26,2013 byWalterM.Weber,SeniorLitigationCounsel ∗ TheAmericanCenterforLawandJustice WhatDoestheBillDo? TheHeartbeatBill,H.B.2324,enactsfourmainrequirements. ...
On shifting thoughts about parenthood. About a day later, I went to the bathroom and there was a little bit of blood in my underwear. I thought it was the beginning of a miscarriage. I came out and told my boyfriend I was miscarrying — and burst into tears, again. He didn’t reall...
taking pictures and posting them online with the heading, "Here are more faces who attended the Planned Parenthood strategy meeting to kill babies," and telling readers, "If you are local and recognize any of these people, please implore them not to take Planned Parenthood's blood money." Ac...
Supreme Court asked to rule on pregnancy test records; Planned Parenthood: Authorities want names and addressesASSOCIATED PRESS
Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, legal case, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1992, that redefined several provisions regarding abortion rights as established in Roe v. Wade.