The gross growth efficiency of heterotrophic consumers typically is in the range 30–50%, meaning that they respire 50–70% of the organic carbon assimilated from their prey49. Due to the low C:P ratio of heterotrophic bacteria, bacterivo- rous consumers face a particular stoichiometric ...
macleodii has relatively large cells (Baumann et al., 1972) that are frequently associated to aggregates, its representation in most GOS samples (that represent only the 0.8 mm–0.1 mm size range) is remarkable. One single sample, GS025 (from a fringing reef in Costa Rica), that ...
Diatoms are eukaryotes, meaning that they have true cells with a defined nuclei enclosed in a nuclear membrane. Since they are algae, which are plants, they carry out photosynthesis in celluar "organelles" called chloroplast. Diatoms range considerably in sixe, the largest species being about 2mm...
The isolation source was the freshwater volcanic Lake Albano located in central Italy. It is composed by aerobic gram-negative non-motile cells approximately 0.97 ± 0.21 μm long and 0.76 ± 0.12 μm wide (volume: 0.36 ± 0.19 μm3). It can form microcolonies of 10–2...
(600 to 800 cells mL; averages Day 0 & Day 1). In spite of this moderate variation in PE abundances, HB net growth rates exhibited a consistent linear negative relationship with abundances of PE (Fig. 4left) (while no additional relationship with light was detected when regressing HB net...
lacking an explicit representation in global PFT models9,11, even though more than 1030bacterial cells inhabit the ocean’s subsurface3. To tackle this issue, recent works proposed to switch towards data-driven modeling of planktonic communities and their impact on the environment, notably through ...
Basal apparatus Greek adjective eleutheros, meaning freedom and reduced to basal bodies. Transitional helix absent. refers to the frequent changes in swimming No eyespot. Non-motile cells with silicified cell wall direction. composed of five or eight plates, all fitting edge to Authentic strain: ...
The doses corresponding to MEC10 (meaning an average 90% survival rate of mid-log phased populations, at ~105 CFU/mL) were further used to evaluate their effects on planktonic cells and on mature biofilms. Cs, Ar, and Sc have shown an average MEC10 of 6.66 ± 0.14 µg/mL, 165.16 ...