Owing to oscillations of planet's orbital eccentricity, the variations in TSI from OP change. The climates presented here were evaluated over a 10,800-Earth-day period where the planet's orbital eccentricity was close to the forced eccentricity. Mean climate states. How will variations in ...
Power is consumed by the resistance of the ocean bottom cable as well as the observatories, and the total power required by a subsystem depends on the total length of the cable and the number of observatories. Because the supply voltage cannot exceed the designed withstanding voltage of the sub...
A nonlinear optimization algorithm coupled with a model of auroral current systems allows derivation of physical parameters from data and is the basis of a new inversion technique. We refer to this technique as automated forward modeling (AFM), with the
An earthquake forecast testing experiment for Japan, the first of its kind, is underway within the framework of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP) under a controlled environment. Here we give an overview of the earthquake forecast models, based on the RI algorithm...