Despite its small size — 0.2 percent the mass of Earth and only 10 percent the mass of Earth’s moon — Pluto’s gravity is enough to capture five moons of its own. Pluto has 5 known moons. In order of distance from Pluto, these are Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos and Hydra. HAUMEA ...
Start by printing the plantes printable in color or black and white. This simple, free printable mini book that will help kids learn what the 8 planets are and a little bit about each one. Just cut and fold to create this one-of-a-kind, pocket size, planets mini book. ...
This planets board game is a fun way to learn and practice facts about the planets in our solar system! Planets Board Game Setup I downloaded asolar system printablefrom3 Boys and a Dog. The planets are drawn to scale. This makes it neat to visualize the size differences. ...
If your students is learning about our solar system in astronomy, they are going to learn the planet names and the planet order. Most lessons have children make asolar asystem planets projectto reinforce that knowledge. This silly and FUNsolar system projectcombineseasy solar system projectsand a...