Planets and Their SatellitesSkyEye More Information Sources On foot I had to cross the solar system before I found the first thread of my red dress.— Edith Södergran, "On Foot I Had to Cross the Solar System", 1919 [translation by Stina Katchadourian (1937– )] What is a Planet?
Maria-Antonietta BarucciPhilippe ZarkaSpringer Berlin HeidelbergThe terrestrial planets and their satellites. In: Encrenaz T, Bibring J-P, Blanc M, Barucci M-A, Roques F, Zarka P, eds. The solar system. 3rd edn. Berlin: Springer; 2010....
摘要: A brief description is given of the Atlas of the Terrestrial Planets and their Satellites which has recently been prepared for publication in the Soviet Union. The Atlas is intended as both a reference book for specialists and a work for a wide circle of readers....
SATELLITES:Naiad(a group of Greek water nymphs who were guardians of lakes, fountains, springs and rivers);Thalassa(Greek sea goddess);Despina(daughter of Neptune);Galatea(one of the attendants of Neptune);Larissa(a lover of Neptune);Proteus(a Greek sea god);Triton(the sea-god son of Poseid...
Planets, dwarf planets and plutoids orbit the Sun, satellites orbit the planets. They are represented from left to right from the Sun, based on their relative sizes. previous next Sun Star around which the planets gravitate; represents over 99.8% of the total mass of the solar system. se...
Chemistry of atmospheres: An introduction to the chemistry of the atmospheres of earth, the planets and their satellites: by R.P. Wayne, Clarendon Press, O... In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: Footnotes 1. Consider the plan of organization in Terry Eagleton, Litera...
The Sun is the hub of a huge rotating system consisting of nine planets, their satellites, and numerous small bodies, including asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. An estimated 99.85 percent of the mass of our solar system is contained within the Sun, while the planets collectively make up mos...
Volume 63, Issue 2, 14 February 1992, Pages 253–254 About ScienceDirect Contact and support Terms and conditions Privacy policy Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. ScienceDirect® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Cookies are used by this si...
The Sun is the hub of a huge rotating system consisting of nine planets, their satellites, and numerous small bodies, including asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. An estimated 99.85 percent of the mass of our solar system is contained within the Sun, while the planets collectively make up mos...
The Sun and the other heavenly bodies revolving around the sun belong to a family which is called solar system. Thus, the sun, its planets and their satellites and asteroids make the solar system. Fourth Grade From The Planets and The Solar System to HOME PAGENew...