In this page, we provide information about Good & Bad Timings for all planets and chart.For more information, visit our website
Vedic astrologers look for planets, houses, zodiac signs and aspects in the birth chart for a persons health and issues related to that. He can accurately predicts what are the vital points in your health and pin point venerable body parts where you need to take action....
In Vedic astrology, only seven planets (Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Saturn) are considered as actual planets. Rahu and Ketu are regarded as the shadow planets. We’ll now explain the significance of all these nine planets in Vedic astrology with their roles and importance. ...
This page provides information about Nine Planets(Navagraha) Gods in Vedic Astrology .The Nava Grahas are Surya, the Sun, Chandra, the Moon, Mangal, Mars, Budha, Mercury, Brihaspathi, Jupiter, Sukra, Venus, Shani, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu
MARS is the God of War, Destruction & hunting. MARS is a dry, fiery planet &masculine by nature. Mars hasmuch to do with one’s ambition and desires. Mars rules the animal instinct in man. Generally, Marsis treated as a malefic planet. ...
Vedic astrology considers moon as the governor of mind and thus the inner being itself ‘Chadrama Manaso Jaatah’. This consideration gave rise to the practice of naming a child with corresponding Rashi or Moon sign.In our case Moon is our satellite and it is the closest heavenly body from...
Jupiterians are well built and may have a huge belly. Theywill have good growth in youth, have muscular body and becomeso stout as to command respect from others.Jupiter is also considered as significator for children & husband. Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces. He is exalted in Cancer...
planets in Indian astrology. Planets are the main actors in this arena of human life. While the houses are the domains of activity, no activity would be possible without the planets. As I have explained in another of my post “The story of your life”, the entire trick in astrology is:...
Physical Features: Moon gives the native corpulent body, white complexion, lovely eyes, black and thin hair, tender speech and mild temper. Parts of the body ruled by moon are left eye of the male and the right eye of the female, breasts, esophagus, stomach, uterus, ovaries, lymphatic, ...
Astrology in some parts refers to the energy you produce by your Sun sign. Sun sign is where your Sun was positioned the time you were born. Not only it dwelled in one of the 12 signs but it was also angling other planets at this particular time and point you were born. In addition...