Magic is at its best when performed during certain days and hours of the day. These time periods are associated with the seven celestial bodies in our solar system that we can observe with the naked eye. The associations are as follows: PlanetsDays of the WeekMagical Domains Sun Sunday pro...
在后见之明翻译项目中,把另外多出的36个闰年日被称为“Intercalary days间隔日”。根据Riley的翻译,更准确的翻译应该是“闰年”的数值。“Intercalary days”这个词很模棱两可,因为它更常用来指代埃及年结束时附加的5天,在这个例子中Valens所说显然不是这个。如前所述,Valens明显使用的是亚历山大历,全年365天(四年...
Two processes interact to produce the sequence of the days of the week: (1) the fact that the planetary hours follow the Chaldean order and; (2) the fact that the planet that rules the first hour of each day rules the whole day and gives the day its name. Figure One is the ...
like the Egyptians, but in contrast to the sunset custom of the Greeks and Babylonians. Very few Hellenistic astrologers mentioned planetary days and hours or their astrological significance. The use of the days and hours became more popular in the later medieval period, and then they also used...
You can keep the planetary hours on your home screen with the iOS widget. You do not need to open the Planetary Hours App for a quick look. You can also see the remaining time for the current planetary hour. The Planetary Hours and Days Calculator App is easy, simple, and practical to...
The Planetary Hours and Days Calculator App is easy, simple, and practical to use. It has a user friendly interface. Life is bustling with opportunity and potential. The knowledge of these "planetary hours and days" can lead to greater effectiveness in action, based on proper planning. Happy...
Define Planetary days. Planetary days synonyms, Planetary days pronunciation, Planetary days translation, English dictionary definition of Planetary days. the days of the week as shared among the planets known to the ancients, each having its day. See al
2.planetary- of or relating to or characteristic of the planet Earth or its inhabitants; "planetary rumblings and eructations"- L.C.Eiseley ; "the planetary tilt"; "this terrestrial ball" terrestrial 3.planetary- having no fixed course; "an erratic comet"; "his life followed a wandering ...
The Planetary Hours and Days Calculator App is easy, simple, and practical to use. It has a user friendly interface. Life is bustling with opportunity and potential. The knowledge of these "planetary hours and days" can lead to greater effectiveness in action, based on proper planning. Happy...
Planetary Magic Mini-Course explains the philosophy and practice of Renaissance astrology and astrological magic. It also explains how to use the days and hours of the planets to choose auspicious times for taking action and for making talismans. The Mini-Course provides beautiful Nigel Jackson ...