Galaz V: Environment: planetary boundaries concept is valuable [Internet]. Nature 2012, 486:191.Galaz, V., S. Cornell, J. Rockstom and A. Person. 2012b. "Environment: Planetary Boundaries Concept Is Valuable." Nature 486: 191.Galaz, V. (2012). Environment: Planetary boundaries concept is...
Finding solutions for businesses to operate within the planetary boundaries is imperative for humanity and businesses to thrive. Read more on BCG's solutions.
The genius of the planetary boundaries concept lies in its ability to sound the alarm, offering a roadmap to stay within our planet’s limits. For earth’s ship to sail smoothly, understanding and safeguarding these boundaries will be key....
Human pressures have pushed the Earth system deep into the Anthropocene, threatening its stability, resilience and functioning. The Planetary Boundaries (PB) framework emerged against these threats, setting safe levels to the biophysical systems and proc
“The aim of the planetary boundaries framework is to provide a measure for achieving human wellbeing within Earth’s ecological limits,” said Johan Rockström, lead author of the seminal study introducing the concept in 2009. “We stand at a precipice and must decide whether...
Biosphere integrity Environmental policy And planetary boundaries 1. Introduction It has been ten years since the concept of “planetary boundaries”, was introduced by Rockström et al. (2009). Planetary boundaries demarcate a ‘safe operating space’ for humanity, beyond which the Earth system sta...
Human pressures have pushed the Earth system deep into the Anthropocene, threatening its stability, resilience and functioning. The Planetary Boundaries (PB) framework emerged against these threats, setting safe levels to the biophysical systems and proc
That said, the planetary boundaries concept and its first estimate of numeric values give us an important warning call that must be heeded. Rather than get bogged down in detailed arguments about the weaknesses of the approach or the methods of analysis, we now have a tool we can use to ...
Planetary BoundariesGreen economyNational footprintsSwitzerlandThe Planetary Boundaries concept is a recent scientific framework, which identifies a set of nine bio-physical limits of the Earth system that should be respected in order to maintain conditions favourable to further human development. Crossing ...
resilience of the affected societies. Our proposed boundaries are rough, first estimates only, surrounded by large uncertainties and knowledge gaps. Filling these gaps will require major advancements in Earth System and resilience science. The proposed concept of “planetary boundaries” lays the ground...