Heavy weapons fire from orbit; an abbreviation of orbital artillery. Repeaters: The rebroadcast or reflection of electromagnetic energy for the purpose of preventing or reducing an enemy's effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Superiority: The degree of dominance in the aerospace battle of on...
where the new material constants are abbreviation defined by (23)ɛijS=(∂Di/∂Ej)S;eijk=(∂Di/Sjk)E;etc. and the superscript indicates the variable held constant when carrying out the partial derivatives. In this tensor notation there is a formidable array of material constants, since...
The National Republican Alliance (ARENA is the Spanish abbreviation), the ruling ultraconservative party inEl Salvador, which has run the country since 1989. MEDCOM Panamanian media corporation that has extensive television, radio, and cable holdings, based in Panama City. ...