Water is an essential part of many animals' lives and it is an important factor to consider when building a zoo. Many animals need a body of water in their habitat to swim, keep cool and drink from. If water is necessary in this way, it will be highlighted along with any space requir...
Hayo Zookeepers!We're back with the second of our Let's Build series, where we asked a few members of the Planet Zoo community to build some beautiful...
If you don't want to be that creative yourself when it comes to building a zoo from scratch, you can root through the Planet Zoo Steam Workshop blueprints to discover what the community has already created. There's a raft of beautiful habitat, exhibit and other designs that already exist ...
Here at National Geographic Kids, we know how much our readers want to make a positive difference to our world! So, read on to find out how to save the planet… 1. Be a habitat hero! All over the world,wild places are in trouble. As the humanpopulation has increased, we’ve taken...
All the animals in the Planet Zoo Tropical Pack will be habitat animals except for the brown-throated sloth, which will be an exhibit animal. This means while there are some customizations you can make to the exhibit, it is exclusively placed inside a smaller enclosure with pre-set options ...
The wildebeest really seem to like being able to rub against stuff for a good scratch, for instance. And like Planet Coaster, you can build your zoos around certain themes. In the demo, the zoo had Serengeti vibes, from the map itself to the buildings and animal selection. While animals...
To fix the terrain modification error inPlanet Zoo, simply turn offSmooth out terrainin the settings. In most cases, this will stop the error from popping up when you try to place a habitat blueprint. If the error persists, it’s probably because there’s a pavement too close to the ha...
“They both have a lot in common,” explains Piers Jackson, Planet Zoo’s game director. “They’re both part of the same Planet franchise, of course, but we have a very different focus here. Planet Coaster has a heavy engineering focus, on rides. But here we have a heavy welfare foc...
Planet Zoo: Console Edition innehåller massor av realistiska djur som tänker, känner och utforskar världen du har byggt åt dem. Skapa unika habitat och enorma landskap, ta hand om djur och bygg och sköt om världens vildaste djurparker med hjälp av intuitiva konsol...
Planet Zoo is the ultimate zoo simulation featuring authentic living animals, rich management, and limitless creativity, players can build and manage a truly modern zoo where animal welfare and conservation comes first.