《Life on Our Planet》笔记 这篇剧评可能有剧透 E1现存物种仅占所有物种的1%,99%都已灭绝。40亿年前,单细胞生命体LUCA出现,全部生命的共同祖先。4.5亿年前,无脊椎动物统治海洋。生命法则:1)适者生存;2)竞争推动适应;3)地球从不会保持稳定。刃齿虎、骇鸟;慈母龙;三角龙、霸王龙。E25.3亿年前,水母是第一...
A Life on Our Planet 我和这片土地 是怀着沉重的心情看完了这个纪录片,四五年前我就不再对自然纪录片感兴趣,也分明知道看完这个纪录片要宣泄多少积压内心的情绪。老爵爷,也就是大卫-爱登堡爵士,算是我童年的启蒙者。在《人与自然》《动物世界》这些电视节目流行的年代,野生动植物占据着自己童年的精神世界,我...
一个在地球上活了近一个世纪的老人的强烈呼吁 周末把大卫·爱登堡的新书A Life on Our Planet看完了,书是去年出版的,写书时他94岁。我说过要是在这个星球上选一个人来羡慕的话,我会羡慕他。一辈子足迹踏遍世界,深入过最蛮荒的地带,看过最壮阔神奇的风景,见识过最多样化的动植物,制作过无数既有意义又被人们...
Life on this planet, in all its wide diversity(多样性)is disappearing more quickly now than it was at any time in human history, and about l million species of plants and animals face extinction, new research from the IPBES, an organization of the United Nations, has found.The IPBES publi...
One Planet Five Steps To Help Save Our Planet Coastal Seas Behind the scenes - Great Barrier Reef Jungles Birds Of Paradise EXPLORE HABITATS Watch on Netflix Love our planet? Now help save it. Take action Schools & Youth Help us inspire the next generation to connect with nature and safeguar...
Earth. People would have to wear boots that are人们将不得不穿着特制的靴子来防止specially/'spefali/designed to prevent themselves自己飘浮到太空中。from floating off into space.Compared/kam'pea(r)d/with life on the Earth,life与地球上的生活相比,火星上的生活在on Mars would be better in some ...
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做某事space.Compared with life on the Earth, life on Mars would be better in some与地球上的生活相比,火星上的生与…相比活在某些方面要好些。人们会有更ways. People would have more space. They might live in houses with多的空间。他们可能生活在带有宽huge comfortable rooms. Also, robots would ...
A Life on Our Planet is my witness statement and my vision for the future. It is the story of how we came to make this, our greatest mistake – and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right. We have one final chance to create the perfect home for ourselves and restore the ...