In 2001, acclaimed director Tim Burton released a new version of Planet of the Apes. This version, which had been in stalled production for years before Burton signed onto the project, was an entirely new movie and owed very little to the original novel or the first movie, but was instead...
Escape from the Planet of the Apes is the second sequel to the original Planet of the Apes and its premise is to reverse the plot of that movie. The film begins over two years after Taylor and Brent had disappeared in space, with a spaceship floating in the Pacific Ocean off of ...
》(Stop the Planet of the Apes, I Want to Get Off! LASER-wikipedia2 Rupert Wyatt’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes is the seventh film in a series based on Pierre Boule’s 1963 novel, Planet of the Apes, about a world populated by highly intelligent simians. 鲁伯特·怀亚特执导...
I’vementioned beforethat I’m a long term fan of the Planet of the Apes franchise. The reboot film series and its updated imagining of the overall premise have revived the franchise in an impressive manner. The new movies in many ways are very different from the originals, particularly in...
Planet of the Apes TV series Episode 5 "The Legacy" Oct. 11 1974. October 9th, 2016 (08:09 am) MeTV has been showing the 1974Planet of the ApesTV series at 5am Sundays. "The Legacy", 5th of 14 episodes (Oct. 11 1974 -Planet of the Apes Wiki, watchhere). Another episode filmed...
I suppose the closest any of my predictions have come to reality is in the burgeoning animal rights movement. The aim to include higher creatures such as apes into our system of "human" rights follows directly from trends of the last thirty years. ...
Yale astronomers have discovered a "lost" planet that is nearly the size of Neptune and tucked away in a solar system 3,000 light years from Earth. The new planet, Kepler-150 f, was overlooked for several years. Computer algorithms identify most such "exoplanets," which are planets located...
Beneath the Planet of the Apes opens where the first film left off, with Cornelius' voice-over reminding everyone of man's blight upon the world. After a repeat of the last few minutes of the first film, the sequel kicks in with Taylor and Nova wandering through the Forbidden Zone. In ...
Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a 2011 science fiction film that serves as a reboot of the Planet of the Apes franchise. Written by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver and directed by Rupert Wyatt, it depicts an uprising of a new breed of evolved apes led by