Zaius and a group of gorilla soldiers, the five manage to return to a dig Cornelius had begun some time previously. Taylor manages to capture Dr. Zaius, and within the cave, they discover a human doll that talks, thus proving that humans once held superior technology and that apes somehow...
George Taylor. The historic franchise's latest installment is directed by Wes Ball, kicking off a new trilogy that occursgenerations afterWar for the Planet of the Apes. The world established in the 2024 movie isn't quite at the level of post-apocalyptic as 1968's original...
Planet of the Apes: Directed by Tim Burton. With Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Clarke Duncan. In 2029, an Air Force astronaut crash-lands on a mysterious planet where evolved, talking apes dominate a race of primitive humans.
When Taylor looks back at the ship's clock for Earth in Planet of the Apes (1968), it reads November 25, 3978. However, Brent tells his dying commander that the year is 3955. This is repeated in Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971), displayed within Taylor's ship. Helpful•...
Planet of the Apes (2001) Main Characters Leo Davidson|Ari|Thade|Attar|Krull|Limbo|Daena Supporting Characters Grace Alexander|Aspasia|Bon|Leeta|Thade's Niece|Tuug|Karl Vasich|Woman in Cart|Zaius|Sandar|Nado|Nova|Pericles|Semos|Birn|Gunnar|Karubi|Tival ...
A view from the Blu (-ray) on DVDBeaver by Leonard Norwitz A Little BackgroundOpeners Modus OperandiThe Scorecard: Emotive ConnectionAudioOperationsExtrasThe MovieEquipment BLU-RAY STOREALL OUR NEW FORMAT DVD REVIEWS Planet of the Apes 40thAnniversary Collection[Blu-ray] ...
2017年12任重生集《Twice Upon a Time》接轨1966年1任重生集《The Tenth Planet》第4小集 313646 高清下载吧 帅123忆幻 [合集]《人猿星球系列》Planet of the Apes.1968-2014蓝光珍藏版 分享251 cherryplanet吧 Star丶小泽 【企画】RPG《Cherry Planet》制作完成度汇报帖某年某月的某一天,突发奇想的想要制作...
“It was all at FotoKem, and we had a whole floor. It’s been a year of post so far — the longest I’ve ever had. And it’s been wild, as you’re making choices based on a plate where you assume there’s going to be an ape and a building in the...
digs. (“Forgive my somewhat austere background here. I just got to L.A.”) He’s excited for the world to see Kingdom, which follows Noa, a headstrong young ape who goes on a coming-of-age journey through the same world that exists in the Andy Serkis-led Apes trilogy, only t...
Planet of the Apes - Il pianeta delle scimmie: Regia di Tim Burton. Con Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Clarke Duncan. Nel 2029, un astronauta dell'aeronautica militare si schianta su un misterioso pianeta dove delle scimmie evolut