'''The Sacred Scrolls''' is a comprehensive '''Planet of the Apes''' database that anyone can edit, with articles on the movies, TV series, comics, novels, characters, actors, merchandise and more!
Leo discovers Calima, the forbidden, but holy temple of "Semos", the first ape whom the apes revere as a god. Calima turns out to be the remains of the Oberon which had crashed on the planet's surface and now looks ancient (the name Calima coming from the sign "CAution LIve aniMAls...
Planet of the Apes (Tim Burton) Planet of the Apes (2001) Main Characters Leo Davidson|Ari|Thade|Attar|Krull|Limbo|Daena Supporting Characters Grace Alexander|Aspasia|Bon|Leeta|Thade's Niece|Tuug|Karl Vasich|Woman in Cart|Zaius|Sandar|Nado|Nova|Pericles|Semos|Birn|Gunnar|Karubi|Tival ...
Beneath the Planet of the Apes opens where the first film left off, with Cornelius' voice-over reminding everyone of man's blight upon the world. After a repeat of the last few minutes of the first film, the sequel kicks in with Taylor and Nova wandering through the Forbidden Zone. In ...
Apes all die... here.""No...""Yes. Join me." Koba's spirit taunting Caesar[src]Koba was a fierce and aggressive evolved bonobo who harbored a deep-seated animosity towards humans due to years of mistreatment. Initially a loyal supporter of Caesar during the Ape Rebellion, he eventually...
Escape from the Planet of the Apes is the second sequel to the original Planet of the Apes and its premise is to reverse the plot of that movie. The film begins over two years after Taylor and Brent had disappeared in space, with a spaceship floating in the Pacific Ocean off of ...
Jake's friend was a young human living in Caesar's ape settlement. At the start of Battle he could be seen watching Aldo as he rode into the town. Later, while Jake collected wood, his friend gave a ride to a Young Chimp before both he and Jake were take
Roger Mason is a character that appears in the prequel novel, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Firestorm. Roger spent thirty years in Muir Woods searching for Bigfoot, he starts to notice something approaching him. Roger believes it is Bigfoot and stays t
Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a 2011 science fiction film that serves as a reboot of the Planet of the Apes franchise. Written by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver and directed by Rupert Wyatt, it depicts an uprising of a new breed of evolved apes led by
As mentioned by Ellie, a survivor of the Simian Flu, humans that were not killed by the virus were genetically immune to the flu or else they would have died long ago so there would be no danger of the pandemic returning to kill them. InWar for the Planet of the Apes,Colonel McCulloug...