Kingdom of the Planet of the Apesrevived the franchise’s love of big twists in a major way. As the film begins, it appears the franchise has returned to the time period of the first Charlton HestonApesmovies, with the chimps at the top of the food chain and mankind having reverted to...
the franchise had begun to feel doomed. The reasons were largely financial. Although the originalPlanet of the Apesbecame a cultural phenomenon, executives at 20th Century Foxslashed the budgetof each successive film, rather than capitalizing on the interest of its fan base to make bigger ...
"Planet of the Apes" is one. It is not great, or significant, or profound. Occasionally it is distractingly cute, as when the apes rewrite one cliché after another: "Man see, Man do," for example, or "To apes, all men look alike." But, this is part of the fun. So is that ...
Planet of the Apes: Directed by Franklin J. Schaffner. With Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans. After being kept in hypersleep during a long expedition into deep space, an astronaut crew crash-lands in the 40th century on a planet
The original and best, Planet of the Apes has no sense of irony whatsoever, and that's what makes it great. Inseparable from the sexism of its age, Planet of the Apes nevertheless has a striking visual identity that couples with the iconic twist ending to tell a surprisingly dark story. ...
greatly shocking the apes. After a trial, Cornelius and Zira help Taylor and his new girlfriend Nova escape, and the four, along with Zira’s nephew Lucius, head into the Forbidden Zone to prove that man was once superior to the ape. Followed by Dr. Zaius and a group of gorilla sold...
Most film franchises also start without any plans to survive beyond the production of the initial outing. When the firstPlanet of the Apesmovie premiered on Feb. 8, 1968, nobody was sketching future installments involvingunderground mutants, areturn to present-day Earthor anrebellious uprisingthat...
Planet of the Apes, 20th Century-Fox Production Facts: The film was adapted from a 1963 novel by French author Pierre Boulle, the same author of the book that inspired another classic filmThe Bridge on the River Kwai. Pierre Boulle’s original novel also featured a twist ending, one that ...
Planet of the Apes(1968) Directed By: Franklin J. Schaffner Written By: Michael Wilson & Rod Serling Planet of the Apesoriginated in the pages of the French novelLa Planète des singesby Pierre Boulle, author ofThe Bridge Over the River Kwai. Known in English asPlanet of the ApesorMonkey ...
The director of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes teased how the film's ending set up what might be next for Owen Teague's Noa and Freya Allen's Mae.Warning - The rest of this article contains spoilers for Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.The film's last act brings about massive...