while contemporary “bucket” designers mainly rely on concrete and steel. The concurrent emissions of greenhouse gases exacerbate global warming and its impacts on the water cycle
In a recent June 2024 Town Hall Meeting on data centers in the Algonkian District, one of Loudoun Counties nine districts,Supervisor Juli E. Briskman, Vice Chair of Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, outlined that from 2007 to the present (2024), the data center footprint in Loudoun County...
The automotive industry is making significant strides toward sustainability by using natural fibers such as hemp and flax to manufacture vehicle components. These materials reduce the weight of cars and improve fuel efficiency. In addition, parts and components made from recycled materials such as plast...
evidently reflecting a broader administration policy decision, used an off-the-record Pentagon briefing to turn the January 6 US-Iranian incident in the Strait of Hormuz into a sensational story demonstrating Iran's military aggressiveness, a reconstruction of the events following the incident shows. ...
通过修复海绵地球(Sponge Planet)来应对气候变化的理论和方法在国际上引起广泛关注。海绵地球的核心是认为国际社会以碳为中心的气候应对方案不足以应对全球气候困境,而依赖灰色工程的气候适应路径又不可持续,同时,基于自然的地球水循环平衡和水生态系统的保护与修复在应对气候应变化中的意义被严重忽视。为此,海绵地球理论...