Lukas’s talk was motivated by some applications coming from computer science but the topic makes sense on its own and could have been taken up by a mathematician. The opening talk, Recursive defin...
As WebKit is a widely-used piece of software that runs on everything ranging from desktop-class devices up to low-end embedded devices, it’s not uncommon that logging is sometimes the only way for debugging when various limiting factors come into play. Such limiting factors don’t have to...
Neptune-sized planets exhibit a wide range of compositions and densities, depending on factors related to their formation and evolution history, such as the distance from their host stars and atmospheric escape processes. They can vary from relatively low-density planets with thick hydrogen–helium at...
‘Dune: Part Two’: A wake-up call to protect our own planet A poster for Dune: Part Two Warner Bros 来自电影的启示:莫让地球变成另一个“沙丘” The movie Dune: Part Two gave me a big surprise. Its great s...
MIGAINO 2015 A/W系列 星际探索旅行—Crystal Planet!导读: 从一抹干净无瑕的白开始,让简约廓型下的流畅设计自然流露,纳入趣味廓型、诙谐涂鸦,来自孩子天真童趣的创意印花,让自己随心所欲的置... 从一抹干净无瑕的白开始,让简约廓型下的流畅设计自然流露,纳入趣味廓型、诙谐涂鸦,来自孩子天真童趣的创意印花,让自己...
formula deriven from the Stefan-Boltzmann Emission Law, and the Te (K) is a physics surface temperature (though an abstraction) because it is based on physics term of radiativeenergy flux (S) W/m². We shall use that mathematical abstraction (Te) in our Planetary Temperature CRITERION: ...
Working from a common base To start with, I build out my Vagrantfile (link to the code). A Vagrantfile is used to define how Vagrant will build one or more virtual machines, similar to how you might use a Terraform HCL file to deploy some cloud assets. I’ll show several sections fr...
2022 A/W🪐Planet Series # 星际系列新品即将上线 # 系列以星球系列为主题概念,奔赴神秘浪漫的星空里,去探寻遥远未知的宇宙秘密,星河的美让人着迷。 “热爱是唯一我们能感知的超越时间和空间的东西”——《星...
Almost none of the effort or funding over the last 30 years to make this possible has come from browser vendors, but rather from individual contributors and those willing to help fund them. If you appreciate the importance of this work, please consider helping to support the work with a ...
#15 【Persona 5 Royal】OUR NEW MEMBER'S A BEAUTY FOR REAL (SPOILER ALERT)【Pavolia 29 0 06:22:42 App 【Epic Chef】YES CHEF!【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 43 0 03:56:30 App 【VALORANT】5′8″ peafowl princess never rage always green career no copium【Pavolia 33 0 03:03:48 ...