Planet Earth is a comprehensive series of eleven episodes that each feature a global overview of a different biome or habitat on Earth. Series Part 1 — From Pole to Pole The first episode illustrates a journey around the globe, revealing the effect of gradual climate change and seasonal transi...
From Pole to Pole: Directed by Alastair Fothergill, Mark Linfield. With David Attenborough, Sigourney Weaver, Nikolay Drozdov, Mike Holding. "Planet Earth" travels around the Earth, finding where the sun always shines and where it's rarely seen. Next, th
TV Series | 60 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy Edit page Add to list Track Jesse, an alien exiled to Earth, finds himself in Los Angeles. His only companion is a floating, orb-shaped robotic parole officer named Control. Doomed to stay on Earth until Jesse can show compassion, Control ...
Planet Earth again provides a pretty spectacular view from almost every angle. By Brian Lowry FULL REVIEW By Neil Genzlinger FULL REVIEW 10 mixotic May 3, 2019 Absolutely fascinating view of the amazing planet we live on. I can watch these episodes over and over again. The photography is sim...
Permalink 1/10 Trashy Tribute This is supposed to be either a tribute or a spoof of grindhouse films of yesteryear. Since there is hardly any humor in it, it must be a tribute. What is the point of paying tribute to bad, low-budget movies by making one that is as bad and as cheap...
... It is notable that, in this first episode at least, Asia has toned down the rhetoric that permeated Planet Earth III, for example, of the Anthropocene and human-induced destruction. By Rebecca Nicholson FULL REVIEW SERIES 80 i Nov 25, 2024 Attenborough’s minimal contribution through...
Sir David Attenborough takes us on another breathtaking journey through our natural world. How to watch Planet Earth III free – stream from anywhere right now.
The snowball-Earth episodes are proposed to have occurred before the sudden radiation of multicellular bioforms, known as the Cambrian explosion. The most recent snowball episode may have triggered the evolution of multicellularity. Another, much earlier and longer snowball episode, the Huronian glaciati...
Deserts: Life in the Furnace: Directed by Nicolas Brown, Mark Flowers, Tom Hugh-Jones, Tuppence Stone. With John Hurt. Deserts cover a third of the earth's land mass, yet harbor only some 300,000 inhabitants, many of which are (semi-)nomadic hunters/herd
Listening to Our Planet: Meet the scientists studying sound around the globe to help stop the rapid progression of climate change and wildlife endangerment.