Stormfur4.9 years ago ReignSUPREME4.9 years ago General Characteristics Created OnWindows Wingspan22.3ft (6.8m) Length53.4ft (16.3m) Height17.9ft (5.4m) Empty Weight26,177lbs (11,874kg) Loaded Weight28,083lbs (12,738kg) Performance
The CPOD, says Kovacs, is an elegant job of putting the current state of the art in sensors in a compact, integrated package. “It’s an incredibly versatile tool,” he says. “It’s a medical monitor that just about any doctor can use.” And it can be used just about anywhere. De...
The game I used to play on it was Microprose F-117 stealth fighter and that's where it all began. Space games are a lot of fun too like the original Wing Commander and my favorite was Privateer. Galaxy on fire would be comparable to Privateer. Now I have a virtual reality setup to ...
The box is well made, and has drawings of the aircraft that can be built (4 versions) on the sides of the box and a nice cover depicting an 0V-10D used during Desert Storm in 1991.The Plastic!I don't personally own any other Kitty Hawk kits, but comparing this model with details ...
In 2017, the C-130 took on an unlikely new role, dropping the outsize MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast, or “Mother of all bombs”), the largest bomb ever used in action, on an ISIS tunnel complex in Afghanistan. It may be an old plane, but the C-130 is still full of surprises...
He barely makes it into the race due to the qualifier ahead of Dusty used a fuel enhancement ultimately getting disqualified from the race. Later in the morning, Skipper visits Dusty and tries to talk him out of racing, but when Dusty explains he wants to prove he's more than just a ...
Tomcat aircrews also found the Tomcat to be more competitive in the Air Combat Maneuvering arena. The F-14A+ arrived in time to participate in Desert Storm with VF-74 and VF-103. The F-14 production line switched to producing the F-14B, and 38 were delivered as new production models, ...
Aircraft Crash Less Often Due to Changes; since Desert Storm, Technology and Strategy Have Played Major Parts in Keeping Planes, Helicopters in the AirByline: TIMOTHY J. GIBBONSGibbons, Timothy J
In 2017, the C-130 took on an unlikely new role, dropping the outsize MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast, or “Mother of all bombs”), the largest bomb ever used in action, on an ISIS tunnel complex in Afghanistan. It may be an old plane, but the C-130 is still full of surprises...
Half-baked idea patriotic fervor in the aftermath of Operation Desert Storm: Basking in reflected glory? Examines the causes for the increased level of outward adornments of patriotic fervor in the US upon the successful completion of Operation Desert Storm. It is suggested that patriotic gestures ...