Planes, Trains and Automobiles is a 1987 comedy film directed by John Hughes. The plot is about a man named Neal Page (Steve Martin), who thanks to many plane delays, and cancellations has to travel with another guy named Del Griffith (John Candy), who's kind of a blabbermouth fo...
The 1987 film“Planes, Trains and Automobiles”tells the story of Neal Page (Steve Martin), an uptight advertising exec whose hour and 45-minute flight home to Chicago for Thanksgiving turns into an epic misadventure. We laugh as he endures, among other things, a downgrade from first class ...
1914, Frenchman Elisee Alfred Descamps worked as designer Employed Emile Jeannin, pioneer aviator, as engineer, apparently for a few months in 1910, until he left to start his own firm, Emile Jeannin Flugzeugbau GmbH.","From its beginning, made automobiles and aircraft. Pre-war made bi...