平面扫描(plane sweep)技术主要解决什么问题?其主要步骤? 答:主要解决的就是如何在过滤阶段中尽可能多的淘汰不符合条件的对,从而减少几何计算的计算代价。 Step 1:从左至右移动一条扫描线(例如,垂直于x轴的线),停在R∪S的第一个元素处。这就就是具有最小T.xl值的矩形T,例子为就是矩形R4 。
最近在研究Multi-View Stereo(MVS)的相关工作,MVS包含很多步骤,也有point cloud reconstructions,volumetric reconstructions,depth map reconstructions等各种解决方案。这里只是讨论其中的depth估计的相关算法中构造cost volume的平面扫描(plane sweep)算法。主要是学习经典作MVSNet[1]发现的一些问题以及相关些思考,这里记下。(...
1) Plane-Sweep Method 平面扫视法2) plane-sweep 平面扫描法 1. A novel plane-sweep based depth reconstruction method for depth image-based rendering is presented. 提出一种DIBR中基于平面扫描法的深度重建方法,与立体深度重建算法和基于图像的视觉壳算法不同,本文进一步改进平面扫描算法,无需任何场景的...
Indeed, our basic plane-sweep technique uses 4 input cameras to create online new views. However this method can be modified to be used with up to 10 cameras or more by a camera selection process. This method can also be adapted to handle moving input cameras using a real-time camera ...
Plane-Sweep Algorithm: Various Tools for Computer Vision Recent research on computer vision has made significant progress in 3d reconstruction and free-viewpoint video however most of these methods are not suited... V Nozick,FD Sorbier,H Saito - 《電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 画像工学. image ...
确定简单多边形旋转时碰撞部位的扫描算法 PLANE-SWEEP ALGORITHM FOR FINDING THE TOUCH PARTS OF ROTATING SIMPLE POLYGONS155阅读 文档大小:167.51K 6页 338472上传于2015-06-18 格式:PDF A simple algorithm for Boolean operations on polygons 热度: 确定两个任意简单多边形交、并、差的算法 热度: 通用扫描...
The authors present a novel plane-sweep algorithm based on spatial data structures with region query operations. Such an algorithm is applicable to the problems of VLSI layout design and image processing. It has a computing time of(log) and allows the functional operations of region search of th...
1) plane sweep technique 平面扫描技术1. Algorithm for line buffering based on plane sweep technique; 在双线圆弧法基础上提出一种基于平面扫描技术的线目标缓冲区生成算法,在扫描过程中处理多边形自相交问题,同时能够避免失真现象。2) fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-mapping 面扫描技术 例句>> 3) ...
网络释义 1. 平面扫描法平面扫描法(Plane Sweep Approach)33 cdmd.cnki.com.cn|基于 1 个网页
A two plane-sweep algorithm that solves the problems above is presented; in the general case (non convexity) in time O((n+s)log-n) and space O(n+s); when the regions of each given figure are convex, the same can be achieved in time O(n log n +s) and space O(n) 展开 ...