The other captains, Fleming and Schiller, agreed to take a course South to the Mediterranean via the Alps, then to Gibraltar, followed by the Azores, and finally proceeding across the Atlantic to the airfield at Lakehurst. This earliest section of the voyage proved the most enjoyable as passeng...
Tickets too were steeply priced, owing to the limited number of seats aboard and high operating costs. A ticket could cost between 100 to 600 marks depending on the destination, though many passengers didn’t pay for their own seats as they were invited to garner publicity for the service. ...
Some of his most brag-worthy finds include round-trip tickets to Kenya for $310, Rio for $363, the Azores for $271, Copenhagen or Oslo for $279, and Bali for $348. (Azores, in case you are wondering, are a group of islands that are a Portuguese ar...