I have been working on fitting a plane to 3d points and then calculating the perpendicular distance between each point and the plane using Matlab. So far I can find the plane equation in Ax+By+Cz+D=0 form and calculate the distance using (Ax0+By0+Cz0+D)/sqrt(A^2+B^2+C^2). ...
[model,inlierIndices,outlierIndices] = pcfitplane(___)additionally returns the linear indices to the inlier and outlier points in the point cloud input. [___,meanError] = pcfitplane(___)additionally returns the mean error of the distance of inlier points to the model, using any of the ...
How do I plot the equation of the given plane after finding the system of equations to determine c1,c2,c3- c1(x) + c2(y) + c3 = z, c1,c2, and c3 are constants. I solved the system of equations and got c1,c2,c3. How do I plot the equation for 3 given points (x1,y1,z1...
I need to calc the z coordinate of a point (x,y) on a plane through 3 points (x1,y1,z1)... (x3,y3,z3) I see many ways to derive the equation of the plane from the 3 points by solving simulatious equations using the 3 points. Now I need to code that in VB.net so t...
MATLAB Answers how to align any vector with a specified axis through rotations 0 Answers Need help , how to code if statement to redo equation if desired answer isnt achieved? 1 Answer Cylindrical coordinates, r=f(r1,r2,theta) at given z, have r1, r2 at d...
The goal is to minimize the membrane’s compliance through choosing the material distribution described by a positive Radon measure. The deformation of the membrane itself is governed by the convexified Föppl’s model. The uniqueness of this model lies in the convexity of its variational ...
To walk in daily life, these momenta must be controlled through multilayered sub-system controller actions (e.g., muscle torques, etc.) so that the destination is reached without a fall [1]. Notably, up to 50% of our daily steps are part of turning gait, depending on the environment ...
First, from your previous posts and this one I see that you're doing lots of stuff with 3d geometry. I think that you will find this FEX entry very very useful:
5.2.3 Strain rosette In many cases of engineering practice, the normal strains at a point on the surface of a body can be determined through use of a cluster of three electrical-resistance strain gauges. These strain gauges are usually arranged in a special pattern, which is referred to as...
The light-sheet and focal plane are rapidly swept through the sample, covering the sample (light-blue parallelogram). If at least one sweep occurs during a camera exposure, a sum projection is formed (right). By synchronously shearing the images on the camera during the focal sweep, a ...