While a good design, there was plenty of room for improvement, mainly regarding its armament and engine, which would be greatly improved in subsequent iterations. Me 109B-1 Specifications Wingspans 9.9 m / 32 ft 4 in Length 8.7 m / 28 ft 6 in Height 2.45 m / 8 ft Wing Area 16.4 m...
Due to the same persistent engine delivery problems, Reggiane officials proposed mounting the 1,600 hp BMW 801 engine in the Re.2002, along with other modifications such as an updated wing design. One engine mount was tested in Germany, which led to a production order of some 500 new aircra...
One of the most difficult parts of the engine to design, the HP and LP turbines have to operate in some properly difficult conditions; the HP turbine is in a particularly tough spot, being subjected to exhaust gases that measure up to950°Con take off (and915continuously). To survive this...
I'm completely new to Fusion 360 and 3D CAD in general. I'm trying to build a cowl for my RC plane. I've built out the fuselage, engine, and nose cone in enough detail to model the cowl. The problem I'm running into is when I try to do the loft function with 2x ...
04_09_发动机罩(04_09_EngineCover) 48分 00秒 4K 下载 04_10_再物件(04_10_RepurposingObjects) 14分 18秒 4K 下载 04_11_基本重拓扑(04_11_BasicRetopology) 19分 30秒 4K 下载 05_通用建模策略(05_GeneralModellingTactics) 05_01_借鉴(05_01_UsingReference) 04分 29秒 4K 下载 05_02_...
If the rules preventanydefined flow from being ‘passed’ then X-Plane’s AI engine will create a flow. ‘Runway in use’ rules (row code 1100) are also evaluated in sequence. The first ‘runway in use’ rule to ‘pass’ will be used for the parent flow. So rules should be listed...
Rotor linkages and control rods are the heart of great helicopter design, and shows the skills of the developer. DreamFoil is certainly the best, and the expert work really shows here. As all the links are animated and perfectly done too, and they work (animated...
I'm completely new to Fusion 360 and 3D CAD in general. I'm trying to build a cowl for my RC plane. I've built out the fuselage, engine, and nose cone in enough detail to model the cowl. The problem I'm running into is when I try to do the loft function with 2x ...
101 C型火焰蜡烛模拟器4D(101 Flame Candle Simulator for C4D) 火焰例二(Flame Example II) 09秒 4K 下载 GSG火焰(GSG Flame) 10秒 4K 下载 影院火焰蜡烛模拟器4D(Flame Candle Simulator for Cinema 4D) 07分 44秒 4K 下载 103 (Chris)Intro to Modeling In C4D Part 2a Extrude 建模部分介绍2...
There is another separate menu in the SETTINGS PAGE, this is accessed via the gear icon bottom right. Currently it only shows the option to turn engine damage off or on. Flying the P-38L Lighting You sit extremely close to those propellers, and the engines are also set close eith...