The meaning of SAILPLANE is a glider of such design that it is able to rise in an upward air current.
A plane is a vehicle that flies through the air, but it is also a tool used to make something smooth and flat, a kind of tree or a level surface. As a verb, to plane something is to make it flat and smooth.Don't confuse plane with plain, an adjective that means "simple" or a...
Understanding the difference between plain and plane is essential for clear communication. Plain refers to a large area of flat land with few trees or an adjective describing something as simple or unadorned. In contrast, plane can refer to a flat surface, in geometry, or an aircraft used for...
Plane is a noun short for airplane. It can also mean “a flat surface.” Plain is an adjective meaning simple and free of decoration. It can also mean “obvious” or “an extensive area without trees.”
Definition of plane in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is plane? Meaning of plane as a legal term. What does plane mean in law?
Confusion arises mostly between "plain" meaning expanse of lowland and "plane" meaning a flat surface or a level. A plain (lowland) is always on the ground. A plane (a surface or a level) is nearly always above the an airplane. ...
Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Cartesian plane:Cartesian plain Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> sheet plane Cartesian... noun Words related to Cartesian plane nouna plane in which all points can be described in Cartesian coordinates ...
Although the single-plane banner-in-the-sky or simple skywritten image is still popular, Jacuzzi said clients, particularly corporate ones, increasingly are willing to pay for the more expensive computer-assisted multiplane version called skytyping — that’s what Shihady and Shehada chose — or...
one of the simple machines, a plane surfaceinclinedinclinedto the horizon, or forming with a horizontal plane any angle but a right angle. Comparemachine ( def 4b ). incline ( def 10a ). Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofinclined plane1 ...
This operation requires certain spatial abilities and some training. Moreover, excepting certain simple objects, it is not possible to show all dimensions in one projection. In general, the dimensions must be distributed over at least two projections. For simple objects it is possible to avoid ...