Plany zagospodarowania przestrzennego jako instrument zarzdzania zielon infrastrukturdoi:10.31268/StudiaBAS.2023.05POLANDGREEN infrastructureSMALL citiesLAND managementLAND use planningCITIES & townsLand use plans as an instrument for green infrastructure management The aim of the a...
To this end, the provisions for the protection of monuments and cultural heritage in all LSDPs enacted in Poland in 2017-2019 were analyzed, and the individual provisions and related problematic issues were categorized. The results indicate the need for stronger and more detailed prot...
If such a plan is the universally binding local law, it must be edited according to such rules that apply to the drafting of the texts of the law. Also, its interpretation must be done according to those rules.Lipiński, Aleksander
Nazistowskie plany zagospodarowania przestrzennego prowincji górnośląskiej w latach 1939 – 1944The author deals with some key issues concerning German plans of land development of the Second Polish Republic territories that were annexed to the Province of Upper Silesia in autumn of 1939. ...
Analiza zapisów dotyczących kształtowania ładu przestrzennego w miejscowych planach zagospodarowania przestrzennego gminy SiechniceThe article brought closer to the concept of the spatial order, drew attention to the relationship between the space harmony and the ordering of relationships ...
Th e planning process, contrary to the proclaimed doctrinal declarations, is not balancing all the rights and obligations of the private and public entities in land use.Igor Zachariasz
Opónienia w sporzdzaniu miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego w polskich gminach. Uwarunkowania i barierydoi:10.7366/1509499529207LABOR demandSPATIAL systemsOFFICESCOMMUNAL livingECONOMIC developmentThe article analyzes the problem of delays in the preparation of local spatia...
Kwestionowanie ustaleń planistycznych poprzez skadanie uwag do miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego obszarów wiejskich w Polscedoi:10.53098/wir.2024.2.203/06POLANDHOUSING developmentREAL estate developmentRURAL planningLANDOWNERSLAND use...