- Emmanuel Macron will present on Tuesday an investment plan of several tens of billions of euros intended to focus on sectors of the future while taking into account the ecological transition, with the aim of promoting independence industrial sector in France by 2030.This device, whic...
Chronos (France) Cities for Mobility (DE) CitiesACT (Asia) Citistates Group City CarShare City Fix City Mayors CityRyde (USA) Ciudad Viva, Chile CIVITAS, EU Clean Air Initiative (CAI) Climate ark ClimateWorks Foundation – Transport Clinton Climate Initiative, USA Community Transportation Associatio...
The Commons (France) The Idea Factory The Infrastructurist The Land Cafe The PEP – Transport, Health & Environment The Street Plans Collaborative The Transport Politic This Big City Toronto – TCAT Trans Web (CH) Transaid Transition Towns Transport Blog Transport Research Knowledge Centre Transport:...
3.2Notable Example of a Water Demand Management Plan: PUB, National Water Agency of Singapore Singapore’s water supply, water catchment, and used water are managed by the Public Utilities Board (PUB), its national water agency (PUB2021a,b). Presently, Singapore is internationally recognised as ...
China Releases Emission Pledges ; in France Visit, Premier Lays out Plan to Curb Carbon Dioxide by 2030Under a new commitment revealed by Prime Minister Li Keqiang inParis, by 2030 China's carbon...Buckley, Chris
France and Korea have both changed regulations to ease access to telemedicine. With a vaccine or treatment at least months away, patients and healthcare providers both have reason to expand virtual interactions. Greater automation was already occurring before COVID-19. In lat...
http://invs.santepubliquefrance.fr/publications/2010/mortalite_maternelle/rapport_mortalite_maternelle_anglais.pdf (Dernier accès 13 janvier 2017) Download references Author information Authors and Affiliations Service d’épidémiologie périnatale et santé de la reproduction, université Libre de ...
We established mechanisms for third-party market cooperation with 14 countries, including France, the United Kingdom, and Japan. The BRI International Green Development Coalition was launched. Steady progress was made in developing the Digital Silk Road and Silk Road E-Commerce. China-Europe freight...
In 2021, a plastic footprint reduction trajectory and a 2030 action plan were laid out, with the goal of shrinking Hachette Livre France's plastic use by 25% by 2030. The action plan has four main thrusts: reduction in plastic volumes (elimination of non-essential uses, eco-design), ...
The Commons (France) The Idea Factory The Infrastructurist The Land Cafe The PEP – Transport, Health & Environment The Street Plans Collaborative The Transport Politic This Big City Toronto – TCAT Trans Web (CH) Transaid Transition Towns Transport Blog Transport Research Knowledge Centre Transport:...