When a plan is created for reading the Bible chronologically there are several different philosophies used for constructing the order. Some plans focus on the order the events occurred. Others use the order in which the books were understood to be written. Since the ordering of both of these ...
We make reading the Bible a priority at our church with a new Bible Reading Plan every year. It is our desire that the church body would read the Scriptures together, and come to a ever-deepening understanding of God’s purpose and plan for our lives. We welcome others around the world...
"FABcast" Episode 231: My Bible Reading Plan for 2017 (Podcast Episode 2017) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
This bible reading plan grew out of the author’s own frustration with calendar-based bible reading plans which all seemed to have a built-in failure element to…
25 彼得后书 2-5 26 约翰一书; 约翰二书; 约翰三书; 犹大书 1-2 27 犹大书 3-6 28 犹大书 7-10 29 犹大书 11-15 30 犹大书 16-18 31 犹大书 19-22 biblereadingplangenerator.com by John Dyer (@johndyer)
Tips for Reading the Bible Daily 1. Start reading the Bible today -- there is no better time, and there's no reason to wait. Pick a Bible reading plan that will help you know where to start. 2. Set aside a specific time each day. Set your schedule and then stick to it. ...
M’Cheyne Bible Reading PlanThe classic M'Cheyne plan--read the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels every day.Duration: 365 daysChinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) (CCB) 历代志上 17 上帝对大卫的应许 17 大卫住进宫殿后,对拿单先知说:“你看,我住在香柏木建的王宫中,耶和华的...
- There are many Bible reading plans, provided by our partners at Bible Study Tools, for you to choose from and enjoy. ★ ESV Study Bible ★ Every Day in the Word ★ One Year Bible Tract ★ Through the Bible ★ Book of Common Prayer ...
M’Cheyne Bible Reading PlanThe classic M'Cheyne plan--read the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels every day.Duration: 365 daysChinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) (CCB) 创世记 9-10 上帝与挪亚立约 9 上帝赐福给挪亚和他的儿子们,对他们说:“你们要生养众多,遍布地面。 2 ...
In years past, my customary mode for reading the Bible through every year involved starting in Genesis and reading right through to Revelation. I estimated that about four chapters per day would get me through in under a year’s time. The method worked reasonably well, but it wasn’t withou...