Tank Nr. Snd (m) FPT 1W sbt BALLAST 2W sbt 3W sbt 4W sbt APTt MT Percent (%) TOTAL C. Line Stripping/Topping Off(货管扫线) D. Loading/Unloading 装卸货和压载完成 and Ballasting Max.SF Max.BM Disp. TOTAL F/ Draft A/ M/ Trim /Deballasting completed. Unloading and completed! balla...
FPT FPT Where: FPB = A * PB FPT = A * PT PB = Pressure at base of cylinder Length = TVD * MW * 0.052 PT = Pressure at top of cylinder WT = (TVD - L) * MW * 0.052 WT = Weight of tubular element = A*L*DT A = Cross sectional area FPB L = Length of element MW = ...