In this regard, consultative committee had been formed, which consists of senior officials of establishment division and BOI also to review and execute the reconstruction plan of BOI on modern lines. BOI to provide facility for plant,machinery import without customs duty in SEZs He also stressed ...
ExecuteDDL ExistingConnection ExistingConnectionFormat ExistsInCollection 結束 ExitFullScreen ExlcudeScript 展開 ExpandableContentControl ExpandAll ExpandArrow ExpandDown ExpandDownGroup 展開工具 ExpandRight ExpandRightGroup ExpandScope ExplodedDoughnutChart 分解式PieChart 匯出 ExportData ExportFilter ExportPerformanceRe...
ExecuteDDL ExistingConnection ExistingConnectionFormat ExistsInCollection 結束 ExitFullScreen ExlcudeScript 展開 ExpandableContentControl ExpandAll ExpandArrow ExpandDown ExpandDownGroup 展開工具 ExpandRight ExpandRightGroup ExpandScope ExplodedDoughnutChart 分解式PieChart 匯出 ExportData ExportFilter ExportPerformance...
When you execute a large SQL query, if the current session is running for a long time, you may need to know the execution status of the query, such as the execution plan and execution process. In this case, because the current session is occupied by the large SQL query, you need to ...
ExecuteRenameQuery(String) Creates the Rename query for a SqlSmoObject and Executes it on the Server. (Inherited from NamedSmoObject) ExecuteWithModes(SqlExecutionModes, Action) Executes the given action under the given execution modes. Resets the original modes after the action completes or ...
ExecuteOptionKind ExecuteParameter ExecuteSpecification ExecuteStatement ExistsPredicate ExpressionCallTarget ExpressionGroupingSpecification ExpressionWithSortOrder ExternalCreateLoginSource ExternalDataSourceLiteralOrIdentifierOption ExternalDataSourceOption ExternalDataSourceOptionKind ExternalDataSourcePushdownOptio...
A step used conditionally execute a block of steps. It has no attributes, and children consist of a <condition>, <then>, and <else> element. If the content of the <condition> element evaluates to true, then the steps of the <then> block are executed, otherwise the steps of the <else...
摘要: For a system, such as a computer system, a contingency plan for the use of backup, response, and recovery procedures and actions during or following a disaster. Synonym contingency plan . See also backup , computer system , procedure , recovery procedure , response , system .关键词:...
In many cases, users type a keyword phrase in the search box and then click the Go Search button or press Enter to execute their query. If this technique does not produce the result they are looking for on the first few pages of search results, some users will give up. However, ...
1 If PLAN is not specified, all bind functions will be performed, including error diagnostics, without producing an application plan and without inserting rows into PLAN_TABLE for the option EXPLAIN. 2 NOREOPT(VARS) can be specified as a synonym of REOPT(NONE) 3 REOPT(VARS) can be specifi...