🎨 这幅名为『Plan 9 from outer space』的画作,不仅是一个充满戏谑的名字,更是一种致敬。如果你去搜索“影史最烂科幻影片”,大概会找到一部1959年的电影,名字也叫做『Plan 9 from outer space』。这部电影由“好莱坞有史以来最烂导演”Ed Wood执导,能以这种方式名留影视界本身也是一个传奇。🎥 多年后,...
Plan 9 from Outer Space Edit It looks like we don't have any plot for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data ...
Plan 9 from Outer Space: Directed by Edward D. Wood Jr.. With Gregory Walcott, Mona McKinnon, Duke Moore, Tom Keene. Evil aliens attack Earth and set their terrible "Plan 9" into action. As the aliens resurrect the dead of the Earth, the lives of the liv
In conclusion, “Plan 9 from Outer Space” offers invaluable insights into the world of low-budget filmmaking. Its legacy serves as a beacon of hope for indie filmmakers, proving that with passion, dedication, and a touch of ingenuity, any film, regardless of its budget, can leave a lasting...
http://qfmeng.blog.com/10176.html/Plan 9 from Outer Space (1958)前两天看完了《艾德伍德》,一直没有写,是因为我要先把这部Edward D. Wood Jr.拍摄的“名片”看完,才有资格去评论《艾德伍德》。所以,找到国内万能的TLF,下载了视频把它看完了。电影讲述外星人入侵地球的故事。一个预言家通过旁白讲述着...
《9号太空秘令》(Plan 9 from outer Space)简评 《9号太空秘令》(Plan 9 from outer Space) 本片被评为“史上最烂电影”,果然名不虚传。不过,现在看起来,却多了几分Camp和搞笑的味道。 影片捉襟见肘的投资,是影片质量低劣的最明显的原因。由于艾德伍德(Ed Wood)同学在电影圈内的“名声”,他很难在...
讲述外星人八次入侵地球遭到挫折,这是第九次尝试,并且跟僵尸联合起来。在这部电影里不但有僵尸、吸血鬼、外星人,还有用金属箔片扎制的太空服装、纸盘子迭的宇宙飞船和大量能看得你直翻白眼的低级特效…… 本片乃大名鼎鼎的影史经典,被公认为有史以来最大烂片。该片的布景之低劣、表... ...
Plan 9: Directed by John Johnson. With Brian Krause, Sara Eshleman, Mister Lobo, Amy Hart. "Plan 9" is a remake of the 1959 science fiction / horror movie "Plan 9 From Outer Space", with Erik Lobo as Criswell.
Plan 9 From Outer SpaceFocuses on the United States government's misspent defense procurement appropriations. Very expensive all-superiority aircraft; Joint Strike Fighter; U.S. Army's plan to equip the Warthogs with sufficient pre-empt...
Plan 9 from Outer Space: Directed by Edward D. Wood Jr.. With Gregory Walcott, Mona McKinnon, Duke Moore, Tom Keene. Evil aliens attack Earth and set their terrible "Plan 9" into action. As the aliens resurrect the dead of the Earth, the lives of the liv