PAC 2024The official app of the81st Plains Anthropological Conference in Lethbridge, Alberta.for iPhone & iPad for AndroidSee for more information. © 2024 Chad Caswell • Contact
Plains Anthropological Conferencedoi:10.1179/0032044714Z.00000000015NoneRoutledgePlains Anthropologist
58th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference to be held in conjunction with the 46th Annual Midwest Archaeological Conference58th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference to be held in conjunction with the 46th Annual Midwest Archaeological Conference"58th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference to be held...
ical Conference.]]> th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference.]]>th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference.]]>The article offers information on the 68th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference to be held October 6-10, 2010 in Bismarck, North Dakota.Bleier...
His latest pairs him once again with Amalric, and the feature revolves around Paul Dédalus, an anthropological researcher in his forties who is getting ready to go back to France. Images from his childhood start coming back to him… memories of Paris, Moscow and, above all, Roubaix.Cast: ...
70th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference.The article provides information on the 70th annual Plains Anthropological Conference being held from October 3 to 6, 2012, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.EBSCO_AspPlains Anthropologist
@nd.govPaul Picha, ppicha@nd.govConference Location and Accommodations:Radisson Hotel Bismarck, (701) 255-6000 or hotel rate for conference attendees is $88.00 (US) ...
Examination of flotation samples from two Early Plains Village sites in central Oklahoma provides direct evidence for the use of a variety of native and cultivated plants. Abundant com fragments indicate that this ...
Plains Anthropological ConferenceThe article offers information on the 68th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference to be held October 6-10, 2010 in Bismarck, North Dakota.doi:10.1179/0032044714Z.00000000023NoneRoutledgePlains Anthropologist
80th Annual Plains Anthropological ConferenceView further author VogtView further author VogtView further author Vogt