LawReformCommissionofBritishColumbia,aswellasNorthAmericanEnglish teachingorganizations,advocatethisapproach.[insertlink 1.Eliminatethereferencetotheobject. BeforeAfter Awell-advisedinsiderwilldohisbesttoAwell-advisedinsiderwillprovidefor provideforanticipatedchanges.anticipatedchanges.Or,usetheplural: Well–advisedinsid...
New Style:Today’s public notices use plain English.The Plain Writing Act of 2010pushed federal agencies to use simple, straightforward language. Government websites likeHealthcare.govuse easy-to-understand phrases like “Sign up for coverage” instead of “Commence the application process below.“...
Plain text only contains the actual text characters, while rich text includes formatting elements like bold, italics, and fonts. Rich text is often used in word processors, emails, and online editors to create visually appealing content.
I would absolutely recommend this program to my colleagues or anyone who wants a better understanding of copyright law in plain English. I am now able to give presentations on copyright to new faculty and my library colleagues. Since completing this program, I feel much more confident in educati...
Mindfulness In Plain English By Ven. Henepola Gunaratana Preface In my experience I found that the most effective way to express something in order to make others understand is to use the simplest language. Also I learned from teaching that the more rigid the language the less effective it is...
If you use a Moment.js, you might notice that only the English locale is available by default. This is because the locale files are large, and you probably only need a subset of all the locales provided by Moment.js. To add a specific Moment.js locale to your bundle, you need to im...
"The federal government is rolling out a new official language of sorts: plain English. . . . "[President Barack] Obama signed the Plain Writing Act last fall after decades of effort by a cadre of passionate grammarians in the civil service to jettison the jargon. . . . ...
born in Los Angeles to Lucy and Alexander Campo on April 6, 1934, and was an only child. He graduated from Loyola University, now Loyola Marymount, and after a stint teaching English at Pope Pious X and Daniel Murphy High School, he eventually had a career with the US Postal Service. ...
What does caricature mean in English? A drawing that makes someone look funny due to parts of the person's appearance being exaggerated. Who created the art of caricature? Honore Daumier is commonly known as the father of modern caricature. He was a highly influential social and political sat...
Find an agency that shows you a willingness to take the time to read your marketing brief, listen and ask clarifying questions, and build an ongoing service relationship with your team. 3. Pick an agency with someone who speaks your language – literally. If English is your native language,...