Synonyms for PLAGUE: afflict, persecute, torture, besiege, curse, attack, beset, torment; Antonyms of PLAGUE: help, aid, assist, relieve, release, deliver, abet, comfort
The meaning of PLAGUE is a disastrous evil or affliction : calamity. How to use plague in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Plague.
squir·rel plague con·junc·ti·vi·tis one of the causes ofParinaud conjunctivitis. Synonym(s):tularemic conjunctivitis,conjunctivitis tularensis Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe...
Synonym: infestation 4. any epidemic disease with a high death rate Synonym: pestilencepest 5. a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animal ...
Related to bubonic plague: septicemic plague, pneumonic plagueGraphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> Black PlagueBlack Deathpestis ambulansambulatory pl...ambulant plagueplaguepestispestis bubonicaglandular pla...bubonic pl... noun Synonyms for bu...
Synonyms for cattle plague in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for cattle plague. 1 synonym for cattle plague: rinderpest. What are synonyms for cattle plague?
2. SYNONYM MATCH:Match the following synonyms from the article. havoc decade harvest prison transferred region chewed danger vital protect crop hazard area gnawed ten years safeguard moved chaos jail essential 3. PHRASE MATCH:(Sometimes more than one choice is possible.) ...
synonym corresponding auditorium at all times apparatus propel profound posture splendid rip penalty single troupe transfer nucleus nibble script take sb off uneven托福 entice groundless punctual monarchy jog manipulate pillage virtue chemical integration apprehensive cower courtesy counterpart bubble denunciation ...
synonym corresponding auditorium at all times apparatus propel profound posture splendid rip penalty single troupe transfer nucleus nibble script take sb off uneven托福 entice groundless punctual monarchy jog manipulate pillage virtue chemical integration apprehensive cower courtesy counterpart bubble denunciation ...
Exodus 10:1 tn The verb is שִׁתִי (shiti,“I have put”); it is used here as a synonym for the verb שִׂים (sim). Yahweh placed the signs in his midst, where they will be obvious. Exodus 10:1 tn Heb“in his midst.” Exodus 10:2 tn The expressi...