Blue fire sears the face of Faerûn, leaving the twisted and mutilated dead in its wake. But a rare few escape death--and suffer some mystical mutation. Raidon Kane is one of those who survives, the wake of blue fire burning the sigil of the amulet he wears into his chest and binding...
Above the city, an unusually bright comet traced an arc in the sky, exciting much comment and portending "horrible windes and tempests." And in the remote, squalid precinct of St. Giles-in-the-Fields outside the city wall, Goodwoman Phillips was pronounced dead of the plague. Her house...
“He is happily at one with all around him, with their superstitions, their groundless panics, the susceptibilities of people whose nerves are always on the stretch; with their fixed idea of talking the least possible about plague and nevertheless talking of it all the time; with their abject ...
We Are The Plague: Dext of the Dead, Book 1Steve Kuhn
m a prepper/former Special Forces hero/king with what might as well be a castle, an infinite supply of ammo, and all the guns.Allof ’em. I have no idea how to grow cabbages but I’m here for the shootin’ without regrets or consequences. Society has fallen and I am the law. ...
Chapter One of of Jim Murphy’s book, An American Plague, opens with the quote, ‘About this time, this destroying scourge, the malignant fever, crept in among us” (Murphy 1). This quote is accredited to Mathew Carey in November, 1793. The term scourge is defined as, “a person or...
“Shit, man, I’m gonna bedeadinside a month. And look at you, poor boy. Lost some loved ones, huh? A girlfriend, maybe? Some close friends? Well, ain’t we all, asshole! Oh, the grief, the grief!” He slapped the back of one hand across his forehead, fluttered his eyelids....
Whereupon it was given in to the parish clerk,and he also returned them to the Hall;and it was printed in the weekly bill of mortality in the usual manner,thus -Plague,2.Parishes infected,1. The people showed a great concern at this,and began to be alarmed all over the town,and ...
but surrounded by dead bodies. This led to an unspeakable injustice, with reverberations echoing down the years --- and an ultimate impact complete with intriguing puzzles, which unexpectedly contort the plot of THE PLAGUE OF DOVES later in the ...
Generals, Poets, and Philosophers: Death in the Perspective of Time and Eternity CHAPTER NINE. War, Death, and Civilization: The End of Book 5 CHAPTER TEN. The Plague Reconsidered: Progress, Poet, and Philosopher CHAPTER ELEVEN. The Fear of Death and the Good Life Selected Bibliography ...