纳米病毒(Nano-Virus):这是一种难以控制、内部设有自毁开关、纳米级的人造病毒。该病原体的前提背景就是从实验室泄露出来的,所以开局时便已启动解药的研发,时间紧为其一大特点。特殊能力共8个,分别为: 764428122 雾间传说 14 生化武器(Bio-Weapon)极为致命的病原体。所到之处,横尸遍野。该病原体的特点是在...
首先,游戏中有三个难度(简单,普通,困难),七种病原体可以选择,分别是细菌bacteria,病毒virus,真菌fungus,寄生虫parasite,朊病毒prion,生化武器(丧尸的吗?),纳米病毒nano virus。透过你的DNA值,可以升级3个指标提升你的plague能力:包括:传染性,症状和能力。DNA会自动添加,随着感染人数和死亡人数上升而增加。传染性主要...
Parasite is a unique type of plague in Plague Inc., in that it starts with a much higher Severity statistic and cannot gain passive DNA points. The higher Severity both helps it to spread faster and slows down a cure, but can also result in it being caught by a government faster, so ...
OurPlague Inc. Fungus Guidewill walk you through exactly what you need to do to complete the game with fungus on normal difficulty. This one is a bit more difficult than the others, and a lot of people seem to have trouble with it. This guide will walk you through exactly all the step...
「瘟疫公司-Plague Inc.」作为一款2D单机策略手游,其界面整体色调为“恐怖红”,分为简单,普通,困难3个难度,并有7种初始病原体可供选择,分别是:细菌bacteria,病毒virus,真菌fungus,寄生虫parasite,朊病毒prion、纳米病毒nano-virus和生化武器bio-weapon。只有在大难不死的普通难度下,你才能解锁更强大的病毒。
plague inc. unlockables: how do i find in-game secrets? You have to unlock some of the rarer plague types, cheat codes, and genes by playing Plague Inc. Here’s how to do it: You unlock diseases by completing the previous disease on normal or better ...
i cant unlock another plague when win in normal mode ;-; (help me) 隐藏回复 1 6 几年前 Temporal Bounty Hunter see my new comment above6 几年前 Liam Desprez (liamvia) My game doesn't save in the main game (bacteria, virus…) but scenarios are okay, so each time I reloading th...
首先,游戏中有三个难度(简单,普通,困难),七种病原体可以选择,分别是细菌bacteria,病毒virus,真菌fungus,寄生虫parasite,朊病毒prion,生化武器(丧尸的吗?),纳米病毒nano virus。 透过你的DNA值,可以升级3个指标提升你的plague能力:包括:传染性,症状和能力。 DNA会自动添加,随着感染人数和死亡人数上升而增加。 传染...