Transmission to humans is predominantly promoted by flea bite; those fleas having fed on infected rodents (Fig.1). However,Y. pestisis an obligate parasite and even if the rat population is reduced, the organism can infect mice, prairie dogs, rabbits, and members of the cat family, including...
Plague is enzootic in wildlife populations of small mammals in central and eastern Asia, Africa, South and North America, and has been recognized recently as a reemerging threat to humans. Its causative agent Yersinia pestis relies on wild rodent hosts and flea vectors for its maintenance in nat...
Plague is enzootic in wildlife populations of small mammals in central and eastern Asia, Africa, South and North America, and has been recognized recently as a reemerging threat to humans. Its causative agent Yersinia pestis relies on wild rodent hosts and flea vectors for its maintenance in ...
1970). Models developed by this expert committee predicted that the intentional release of 50 kg of aerosolizedY. pestisover a city of 5 million would, in its primary effects
Transmission to humans is predominantly promoted by flea bite; those fleas having fed on infected rodents (Fig.1). However,Y. pestisis an obligate parasite and even if the rat population is reduced, the organism can infect mice, prairie dogs, rabbits, and members of the cat family, including...
Experiments providing evidence for the effects of chemical elements on the functionality of microorganisms and geochemical influences on the immune status of mammals, including humans, are well documented [2]. A weakness of this area of research is the paucity of reports documenting an association ...
Learn about the Bubonic Plague, from its origin and cause to its lasting effects on human history. Understand the reactions and responses to the...
The emergence of agriculture during the Neolithization brought about one of the most profound lifestyle changes in the history of modern humans. The shift in subsistence strategy from hunting, fishing and gathering to farming paved the way for a marked increase in population density and the establi...
Bubonic plague in humans is usually characterized by fever (2–7 days postexposure) and the formation of large, tender, swollen lymph nodes, or buboes. If untreated, the disease may progress to severe pneumonic or systemic plague. Inhaled infective particles, particularly from animals with plague...
I wasn’t *advocating* that you be nice to the latter group. Just acknowledging some things that I strongly believe are true about humans in general, and people fighting to maintain position in the kyriarchy in particular. Yeah, this is a key point: ...