Ranking of the most diverse places to live in U.S. based on economic and ethnic diversity statistics.
I find it odd the ranking towards LBGTIQ+ is hostile. ⭐️ Overall 💵 Cost 📡 Internet 👍 Liked 👮 Safety Tap to open 🌧 Feels 35° 29°🥵 46 $2,992 / mofor a nomad 21Mbps Kuala Lumpur Malaysia I try to like this city and been many times (twice for 1...
Back in 1926 when Fred Angell served one of his new sandwich creations to his deliveryman, he responded with, "this sandwich is made right." So Maid-Rite was born, serving ground beef sandwiches on a fresh steamed white or wheat bun with ketchup, mustard, onion, and pickles. The beef c...
Decades ago Malcolm McLaren made an action figure out of rock and roll rebel Sid Vicious. These Sid dolls have the same penchant for public degradation as did Sid himself. Versions come in their own coffins, wear swastikas etc. The Sid doll makes a useful parallel with the Debord action fi...
Medellin, Colombia B-, $$, 🙂 2020: Nice areas, friendly people, Ok internet, decent climate up in the Colombian mountains, popular with expats. Too much pollution for my taste, and I wasn’t really impressed. Got out *just* before COVID closed all the borders, and I’m super glad...
Things are looking up a bit in Visalia-Tulare County, which moved down the list one spot from last year’s second-place ranking for ozone. It stayed in third place, though, for year-round air particle pollution. Tulare County, located in California’s San Joaquin Valley, is home to only...
Medellin, Colombia B-, $$, 2020: Nice areas, friendly people, Ok internet, decent climate up in the Colombian mountains, popular with expats. Too much pollution for my taste, and I wasn’t really impressed. Got out *just* before COVID closed all the borders, and I’m super glad about...