We have raised about a fifth of the $12,100 needed to keep both kids in college in the next academic year. If you can find $6 — the wages for two days work in Armenia– will you give it to Ruby and Erik? You can choose to contribute via Go Fund Me or FaceBook. This national...
Sirens have just gone blaring by the end of our road, many of them. We are tense, wondering, what now? It will take even those barely affected, like me, some time to recover from this awful crime and the unforgivable riots that followed, but, meanwhile, I am going to try my best ...
Jeff, Chase, Chris and Elijah have held and hugged these little ones and our hearts yearn to do more for them. We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work with CoFam, a ministry born out of the heart of Sentamu, a man who works on a pineapple farm…because he saw a need....