If you’re like many college students, you spend far too much on textbooks. With the school year ending, you may want to turn those books into cash. Unfortunately, your college bookstore may prove a fruitless endeavor to maximize cash. Thankfully, that’s not your only option. The best ...
Choosing a course can be tricky because there are so many. One way to do it is to navigate to a MOOC platform and browse all its courses or use the search bar. But a simpler way to find and choose free online college courses for credit is with our list. We’ve scoured thousands of...
Buyback sites:With these websites, you enter the name of the book you want to sell, and you get a quote. If you like the quote, you ship your books to the company and get paid. This is the easiest way to sell books and the best method if you want to get cash quickly. Online ...
If so, you can make some extra cash by learning how to sell used books. The amount of money you can make selling used books varies. Typically, college textbooks pay the most and you may be able to make around $100 per textbook sold. You can sell many other types of books as well...
Remember those hundred dollar college textbooks you never resold? You're in luck.Credit: Getty Images You can only reread your books so many times, and that's even more true when we’re talking college textbooks. Make sure you know your books’ ISBN numbers and editions (both found on the...
Did you know you can actually rent curriculum and textbooks? My son has used Amazon Rental for many of his college book needs, but there is also a place specifically for used homeschool curriculum! Yellow House Book Rentalis primarily a homeschool curriculum rental service, although they do of...
Nearby Resident: As a student soon to depart off to college, Waukee has been a perfect place to grow up. There are plenty of opportunities for entertainment, places to go (everything is very connected, making transportation easy), etc. The schools are all new, excellent, and have amazing ...
There’s also a huge selection ofused college textbookson there Alternatively, you can use the search bar to find a specific title. The books are in great condition and the prices are low. But, one of the best parts about buying books from the website is that shipping is free!
Although the site buys all types of books, it looks as if the biggest payouts come from up-to-date used college textbooks. If you’re a recent college graduate, know someone who is or can find newer versions of college textbooks at garage sales, this could be a great way to make some...
Employees receive medical and prescription drug coverage, dental, vision, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, online training programs, free access to full textbooks and journals, tuition reimbursement, professional development programs and more. Team members also benefit from living and working ...