We stopped to observe a tai chi group and to watch children scrambling to get on their favorite hand-carved animals which included a peregrine falcon, a green sea turtle and imaginary creatures that were chosen from a fun project drawing on the imaginations of local children. A harbor cruise ...
Historic Hotels of America’s Best Historic Resort, Colonial Williamsburg Resorts – Williamsburg Lodge, Autograph Collection, and Colonial Houses (1750) and Williamsburg Inn (1937) – is also the centerpiece of one of the most magical places to spend the winter holidays, Colonial Williamsburg,Virgi...
QVC Sells Its Viewers on Virginia Products, Places.(Originated from Daily Press, Newport News, Va.)Patterson, Philana
Sandwich offers easy access to other marvelous places to visit on Cape Cod, like Falmouth, Wood’s Hole, Hyannis but you should spend at least a day on the other side of the Sagamore Bridge, in Plymouth, to visit a score of historic attractions associated with the Pilgrims, including the ...