Where to eat in Fredericksburg Head below ground level to Vaudeville, a bistro featuring American comfort food. There are also plenty of wines, cheeses, meats and sweet treats perfect for a picnic spread. With its German heritage, it’s not surprising that many restaurants in town feature schni...
Head toFredericksburgfor a dose of German culture, since the area was settled by German settlers in the 19th century. In Fredericksburg, you might visit a winery for a tasting, enjoy bratwurst and sauerkraut at an authentic beer garden or shop for Bavarian souvenirs at an outdoor market. But...
RV to Texas - Magnolia Farms RV to Colorado - Fly Fishing Wisconsin - Class Reunion New RV to Cottonwood, AZ - Maiden Voyage RV to California - Beach time Texas Highlights: Places visited included: Wine tasting near Fredericksburg, TX, Johnson City, TX, Galveston, TX, Magnolia Farms in Wac...
Country Inn & Cottages located in Fredericksburg, TX. Best place to stay in Fredericksburg, TX. Quite B&B in Fredericksburg, TX.