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Free Large Places in a City Flashcards Download these free ESL flashcards on the theme ofcity locations. Vocabulary reviewed includes words such asrestaurant,library, andmuseum. Places in a City Flashcard Preview Flashcard List: beach, park, restaurant, museum, gallery, theater, school, playground...
Module 9 People and placesUnit 1 Were enjoying the school trip a lot.第一课时 Getting ready vocabulary157课前导学关键单词1. n. 明信片2.
分级书going places1我想学开船2在水上漂浮或行驶小船3船有舷侧但木筏没.pdf,1. I want to learn to sail a boat. boat 2. A boat is a small vessel that floats or travels on water. (noun) 3. A boat ha es, but a raft does not. 1. A car is the same as an auto . ca
Practicedescribingdifferentplacesinacityusingadjectives. CulturalInsights: Explorehowcultureinfluencesthewaypeopleinteractinvariousplaces. DialoguePractice: Engageindialoguestoreinforcelanguageskills. VocabularyPracticeEnglishChineserestaurant餐馆library图书馆hospital医院park公园supermarket超市 ...
Converse with your young ones about the different functions in such places. Talk to your child in a two-way manner. Don't stifle your own vocabulary. Place new words in their proper context. Bank Fire station Supermarket Department store ...
readonlyonepage.TalkaboutplacesofinterestPractisecheckinginatahotel Enlargevocabularyrelatedtojourneys WriteapassagetointroduceaplacePractiseusinglinkingverbsandpassivevoice.LookingAheadGettingReady1.Doyouliketravelling?Whyorwhynot?Ilike/don’tliketravellingbecause___.Herearesomereasonswhymanypeopleliketravelling.Which...
B: Yes!,When you revise your vocabulary, choose words which are use 13、ful for you, and write them in sentences.,postcard: On holiday I usually send four or five postcards to my friends.,Learning to learn,Step 1: Work in groups of three or four. Plan a radio report. Talk about ...
and taggedMarcel Proust In Praise of Bad Music Pleasures and Regrets,Marcel Proust. Eloge de la mauvaise musique Les plaisirs et les joursRoger Smith new vocabulary,, March 25 2024 – February 1, 2025 I keep looking up words. I am continually surprised at how many words I don’t recall ...
raz d级别赠品05教案和练习册countryplaces.pdf,D D LeveL Quick Check Country Places Name Date 1. The country is a place . 6. Extended Response: Have the a away from the city write one way a barn and farmhouse are alike and b inside a town one way they are