Greater SudburyOntario population:161 531 GuelphOntario population:131 794 HalifaxNova Scotia population:403 131 HamiltonOntario population:536 917 High LevelAlberta population:3 159 KelownaBritish Columbia population:127 380 KingstonOntario population:123 798 KitchenerOntario population:233 222 LangleyBritish ...
This site includes place information and mapping resources for 28,900 places in Canada. You can review a list of place names by province or territory. From there, you can use links to see places on maps from Google or Bing. Choose an area by clicking on the map or selecting from the ...
5 beautiful places to visit in Canada; Lake Louise, Alberta, Prince Edward Island, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario and Kelowna, British Columbia.
Plan an unforgettable trip with our list of the best places to visit in Canada, offering scenic beauty and rich cultural experiences for every traveler.
Place attachment is spatially and temporally anchored in the local context, affecting how residents perceive proposed development strategies. As such, we examine, through the analysis of 18 interviews conducted with residents from Rossport, Ontario, Canada, how place attachment and historical antecedents...
Ontario You’ve never seen a city skyline quite like Ontario. Visitors of Toronto’s famed CN Tower will have the view of a lifetime during its EdgeWalkurban adventure. For 30 minutes, you’ll walk hands-free on a 5-foot ledge around the roof’s circumference, 116 floors up. If you...
Ask someone outside ofCanadato name our capital, and you’ll hear plenty of wrong answers. Many assume it’s Toronto – our largest and most famous city. But Canada’s capital is actually Ottawa, located northeast of Toronto in Ontario. ...
For people looking for more must-visit places in Canada for a romantic getaway, here are a few places to go to! • Parry Sound, Ontario • Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario • Cape Breton Highlands’ Skyline Trail, Nova Scotia
Ontario Science Centre Explore more than 500 interactive experiences and totally geek out on the live demonstrations at one of Canada’s most famous cultural attractions.You can also save 20 percent off general admission when you show your Presto card at the box office. ...