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2、Places in a town配套练习,含答案。 2、Places in the city worksheet 玩手工 准备材料 A4卡纸 打印模板(文末有下载方法) 剪刀 彩笔或蜡笔 胶棒 制作方法: 打印模板,涂色后剪切,设计一个心目中的社区。这个社区中可能有银行、教堂、学校、面包店、医院、宠...
Places in a City Flashcard Preview Flashcard List: beach, park, restaurant, museum, gallery, theater, school, playground, home, zoo, store, gallery, aquarium, library, stadium, airport, bank, fire station, post office, police station, hospital, gas station, bakery, pharmacy, factory, toy stor...
Here students have to find the place in town that correspond to the given definition. Quite easy, as they also have the picture to help them. Let´s say a vocabulary revision + reading comprehension. I hope my wss may be useful to you. Have a nice day. Monique Lev...
Spelling Worksheet for Places: Choose an image and give sample spellings of the word or three different words. Students read the words and choose the correct answer. choose correct spelling Reading Worksheet Template for Places: Write one sentence or a short paragraph using the vocabulary, about...
I also included several people in each scene. I teach these places early on in my curriculum, but then come back and use these cards to practice using 'they' and also the preposition 'at ...': 'Where are they?' 'They're at the supermarket?'...
There are buildings, houses, and roads in a city. 7. What is an airport? Sample response: An airport is a place where aircraft can land and take off. People board air- planes at the airport to travel to different parts of the world. You pay for a boarding pass and then get on a...
When you are in a foreign land, your first stop should always be a hop-on, hop-off bus, because bus tours show you all the important places in a city. But when you are in your own city, you probably don't feel the need to book such bus tours. Yet have you ever thought about ...
Check each student’s homework set in the last lesson. Ask each student some questions about their homework worksheet (e.g. “what color is it?”), give lots of praise, and then put some kind of mark on the homework sheet (e.g. a sticker, a stamp or draw a smiley face). Finally...
a special building to make people remember an event in history or a famous person goods things that people sell firework small objectives that explode to make a loud noise and bright colours in the night sky population all the people living in a particular country, area, or place ...